Eso perform the ritual
Eso perform the ritual

eso perform the ritual

New Overland Sets Eye of the Grasp (Light)

  • 5 items – When you drink a potion while in combat, reduce your damage taken by 12% for 20 seconds.
  • This effect can occur once every 2 seconds and counts as Bash damage. When you Bash, you also deal Physical Damage in a cone in front of you, interrupting any enemies hit.
  • 5 items – Your Bash attacks deal 935 more damage.
  • 3 items – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage.
  • While in combat, applying a Minor Buff or Debuff to a target grants you 130 Magicka and Stamina Recovery for 15 seconds
  • 5 items – While in combat, applying a Major Buff or Debuff to a target grants you 260 Magicka and Stamina Recovery for 15 seconds.
  • 4 items – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage.
  • Get back to the Apothecary and meet him at the crossroad in northern Ledetchko in the evening (21:00, 9 PM).New Craftable Item Sets Wretched Viltality Both of them are north from the town, on either side of the stream.Įnter the burnt house and pick up the burnt wood from Alois’ farm, then visit the grave on the other side. Something of his will be marked on the map, but to reveal his wife’s grave, you’ll need to talk to some villagers. She will give you an additional piece of the puzzle – you’ll have to find Alois’s wife’s grave and something that belonged to Alois. Necronomicon Book Location Alois’s Wife’s Grave and Something of His

    eso perform the ritual

    Get back to the apothecary in Rattay and give him the book to complete this step. You’ll have to pickpocket him, and get the closet key – it will allow you to open the closet with the Necronomicon. Look for the Brother Librarian, sleeping among the others. The sleeping monks in the dormitory will wake up if you walk too fast. Pickpocket the Key from Brother Librarian. Inside this closet, you’ll find the Necronomicon I book. There is a big closet there, with a very hard lock. As soon as you enter this room, look to your left. From this room, you have to go deeper into the monastery until you reach the library. Go up the wooden stairs and continue to the first door on your right. We decided to use a Nighthawk potion, as it is a lot more useful than a torch. Be sure it’s midnight, when almost everyone in there is asleep, or you’ll get in trouble. As you go through the monastery’s southern gate, you’ll see stairs on your left.

    eso perform the ritual

    At this point, it wasn’t marked for us, and we had to find it manually. It is called Liber de Mortuis – the Necronomicon. He will ask you to bring him a book in Latin that’s kept under lock and key in the monastery. If you’ve done some quests for him before, he will remember and agree to help you out. His store is close to the Rattay Lower Gate. The next step will take you to apothecary Konyash in Rattay.

    Eso perform the ritual